十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学, like most colleges 和 universities, sees a lot of pedestrian traffic. 无论是步行去上课, 餐厅, 或者运动项目, pedestrians 和 drivers alike must be responsible for safety. Following basic 和 common sense approaches will ensure your safety as a pedestrian on 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学.
Whether you are on foot on the College’s main campus or crossing the Crosswalk at the intersection of East Fairview Avenue 和 Bankhead Avenue to the Cloverdale campus here are some practical safety points for you to follow:
- 永远走在人行道上. 不要走在街上.
- Obey all traffic signs, speed limits, no parking/fire lanes 和 traffic laws (Refer to the 十大菠菜靠谱平台的大学 校园安全 Traffic 和 Parking Policies 详细说明).
- Wear clothing that is reflective or light in color at night, or brightly colored during the day. 确保司机能看到你. According to the NHTSA’s National Center for Statistics 和 Analysis, 32 percent of all pedestrian fatalities occur between 8:00 p.m.晚上11点59分.m.
- Before crossing the Crosswalk at the intersection of East Fairview Avenue 和 Bankhead Avenue 总是 use the Crosswalk red button on the Crosswalk poles which activates blinking red lights for both the east 和 west lanes of East Fairview Avenue. 不要以为交通会停止 even though you have the right of way. Before entering the Crosswalk ensure traffic has stopped by looking in both directions. Make eye contact with drivers in stopped vehicles to ensure they see you before using the Crosswalk. Keep in mind, these lights are solar powered so inclement weather could affect them.
- 一定要走有标记的人行横道. You forfeit your rights as a pedestrian if you cross elsewhere
- Obey any pedestrian signals 和 look left-right-left to make sure the road is clear in both directions before crossing.
- Look before walking past stopped vehicles. Do not cross just because a driver waves you on. 首先确保所有车道畅通. • 还记得 that bicyclists are not considered pedestrians unless they are walking their bikes. Otherwise, they are considered vehicles.
- Don’t use cell phones or other electronic devices as a pedestrian. 这些设备会分散你的注意力. Be aware of your surroundings 和 use your ears 和 eyes to detect danger.
- 走路时不要戴耳机. This will impair your ability to hear vehicles or emergency vehicles.
- Alcohol consumption will also impair your mental 和 physical capacity as a pedestrian. Statistics show that over 50 percent of pedestrian fatalities involve alcohol, with 34 percent of those involving the pedestrian being impaired from alcohol.